Blended Learning in VET

Blended learning is a well-established teaching and learning approach – but not in all educational fields. In school education (in the USA) approx 50 % of the K12 learners are currently taught with blended learning. At universities, blended learning is well used. In adult education, blended learning does not play a so important role. Here […]


The EFQBL offeres special courses for people interested in Blended Learning. The focus is set on Creating of Blended Learning courses Quality enhancement in the courses Use of multimedia elements and interactive content in Blended Learning courses Courses may be attended by all kinds of teachers or trainers who are interested in the implementation of […]

Does eLearning increase the motivation of the learner?

eLearning & motivation of learners El-Seoud, Seddiek, Taj-Eddin et.alt.1 (2014) mention that “… recent studies indicate that university students who have been enrolled on e-learning courses outperform those being taught on traditional courses”. This would indicate a higher level of success using eLearning included in teaching activities. From my point of view, the technological approach […]


The EFQuBL The “European Foundation for Quality in Blended Learning” is a non-profit association with an increasing number of members. The head of the association is Peter Mazohl. He is a specialist in TEL (technology-enhanced learning, former eLearning) and Blended Learning. Organisation The organisation has three departments: The association is intensively connected with similar institutions […]