Conference Thessaloniki (September 2021)

The European Foundation for Quality in Blended Learning is a partner in the VET-NET Erasmus+ Project 609100-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPARR. In the frame of the project, three conferences will be organized. The first took place in Rome, November 2020. Now the second conference is planned.   Craft and SMEs VET NET International Online Conference of SMEs Vocational Education […]

European Vocational Skills Week

The EFQBL is official partner of the European Vocational Skills Week. The organisation will send austrian specialists to the workshop in Rome and care for the dissemination of this event. The event with the title “The future challenges for European Continuing vocational education and training after COVID 19” will take place in Rome Date: November […]


Mental ESCAPE is the name of the new project where the EFQBL is partner. It is a strategic partnership in the field of youth work that aims to promote awareness and mainstreaming mental health in youth work and society, by developing innovative tools and methods for youth workers to address addiction and depression. It has […]

About Blended Learning

The TIBL-Project is closed – the results are available! Do you need some deeper knowledge about “Blended Learning” (focusing on Vocational Education and Training? You make have a look here to this resource: Blended Learning   Blended Learning can be implementated in different ways. One important issue is the pedagogical concept you use. The TIBL-Project […]

Disk Project: Kickoff Meeting

The project DISK has been launched with the kickoff meeting in Wiener Neustadt. Representatives of four partners met in the Hotel Zentral in Wiener Neustadt (Austria) and discussed the project implementation, created the first working plans, and tried to learn about each other. The project plan has been agreed until May 2020. The project group […]

DISK Project

The European Foundation for Quality in Blended Learning EFQBL is partner in the DISK Project (Erasmus+ 2019-1-PT01-KA204-060898). In the frame of this project the team will develop approximately 15 courses focusing on Digital Competences. These courses might help so-called “Digital Immigrants” (this means people that do not have a large experience in the digitized world) […]

EDGES of Gender

EDGES aims to develop a modern gender sensitive approach, support young people on the interface of artistic expression and the gender dimensions, and provide them different digital methods on how to visualize sensitive statements through artworks and spread them. This is a KA1 Youth project addressing people from 9 countries (Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Italy, Jordan, […]