Mental ESCAPE is the name of the new project where the EFQBL is partner. It is a strategic partnership in the field of youth work that aims to promote awareness and mainstreaming mental health in youth work and society, by developing innovative tools and methods for youth workers to address addiction and depression.
It has been developed through the COVID-19 crises, showing a need in discussing mental health, depression and addiction, loneliness and anxiety throughout social media within the medium that impacts so many young people negatively, but could also do so positively. The project team aims to create space within this for youth to openly discuss mental problems and support mainstreaming it in their bias.
The project starts in autumn 2020.The EFQBL core team consists of Ina Urich (Psychotherapist), Harald Makl (Artist, Multimedia Producer), Peter Mazohl (Project Management) and Sylvia Mazohl (Language issues, administration, youth trainer).
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