The European Foundation for Quality in Blended Learning EFQBL is partner in the DISK Project (Erasmus+ 2019-1-PT01-KA204-060898). In the frame of this project the team will develop approximately 15 courses focusing on Digital Competences. These courses might help so-called “Digital Immigrants” (this means people that do not have a large experience in the digitized world) to better survive in the digital age.
The courses will offer competences to handle e-Government as well as issues in context with social media (this will help people to stay in contact with others and to keep the connection in a digital world).
The partners in this project are the University of Porto (from Portugal), Training2000 (from Italy), EDRASE (from Greece) and Ossiannilsson Quality in Open Online Learning (QOOL) Consultancy (from Sweden)
The project was launched in November 2019 and will be finished in October 2021.
Correction (January 2021): The COVID-19 situation made it impossible to work in the foreseen way, several transnational meetings could not be implemented. The project team got an extension of the project until May 2022.
Webpage of the project:
Facebook page: